Get inspired, equipped, and empowered.
your guide to church-based compassion
with Wendell Vinson
You want to make a lasting difference through compassion ministry; however, you’re busy with all of the other demands and it’s hard to know where to start; You want your church to be known for meeting needs but at times feel under-resourced and overwhelmed. CityServe was written for difference makers like you.
"I can't imagine a more relevant and important resource for churches who are seeking to press into the transformation God is doing through us in our cities, communities, country, and world. CityServe equips the body of Christ to do what it does best--witness to Jesus in word and deed."
- Edgar Sandoval Sr., President, World Vision U.S.
pursuing a life that matters
with terry glaspey
Do you feel a movement of hope gaining force all around you, drawing you toward making the world a better, safer, healthier, and hope-filled place? Then you may be part of the relentless: people who never of helping the needy because they believe in, and live from, the apostle Paul’s words. “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down but not destroyed” (2 Corinthians 4:8–9).
"Relentless is a passionate and persuasive book that will move you to tears, cause you to laugh, and inspire you to make a difference."
- Anne Beiler, Founder of Auntie Anne's Pretzels
the compassion revolution
take up god’s challenge of reaching those in need
with Terry Glaspey
Jesus fed the hungry. He touched the outcasts and the unlovable. He healed the sick and lame. He forgave those tormented by guilt. Jesus was a compassion revolutionary. The Compassion Revolution is filled with stories that will inspire readers to align their priorities with Gods plan for living an extraordinary life. It is an invaluable guide for anyone ready to live a purposeful, fulfilled, and enriched life that comes only by giving it away to others.
"A must read for Christians worldwide. These are the issues we must confront. And this is the legacy of hope we must leave."
- Doug Wead, Former senior advisor for presidents, George H. Bush and George W. Bush
a revolution of compassion
faith-based groups as full partners in fighting america’s social problems
with stanley carlson-thies
Faith-based solutions to our nations social problems are the wave of the future. This provoking book provides a clear explanation of the thinking behind faith-based initiatives, dispels persistent and damaging myths about faith-based solutions, explores the opportunities and strategies in securing government funding, and provides practical advice to encourage Christians toward compassionate service.
"The ideas in this book give me great hope for America. When churches, businesses, and governments collaborate, mighty things can happen to cause productive change in communities."
- Bob Buford, Founder, Leadership Network